pseudosoldier's Articles » Page 8
April 23, 2007 by pseudosoldier
3 mile run, including warm up and cool down; 2 sets of 25 crunches Oatmeal: 160 cal, 25 fat cal, 3g fat, 0.5g saturated fat, 23g carb, 6g fiber, 7g protein Vitamin Water: 25 cal, 0 fat cal, 0g fat, 0g saturated fat, 6g carb, 0g fiber, 0g protein Corn: 120 cal, 15 fat cal, 2g fat, 0.5g saturated fat, 22g carb, 2g fiber, 3g protein Lean Cuisine: 280 cal, 70 fat cal, 8g fat, 2g saturated fat, 29g carb, 5g fiber, 19g protein Protein snacks: 120 cal, 25 fat cal, 3g fat, 0g saturated fat, 15...
April 23, 2007 by pseudosoldier
Food: 4 eggs, 4 slices of bacon, salsa Brisket and bean burrito, half a hot dog+bun Rockstar, bag of Doritos, large jerky stick Geez, it felt like more food. Activity: Walking around a Children's Fair with two monkeys in tow for over two hours, all three of us getting sunburnt. I'm doing some crunches (two sets of 25 done already) and some other exercises now while watching my UFC tape from Saturday (don't talk about it until I watch it!). PT test on Wednesday. I'll be good tom...
April 21, 2007 by pseudosoldier
You know, if you could call me "accountable" today, anyway. I've done little to no PT: we walked around at a Children's Festival on base today, and I wound up both toting and swinging the kids around a bit. I've eaten too much: Egg sandwich (2 eggs, 1 egg substitute, onion and bacon on wheat), pigs in a blanket (reduced fat hot dogs in reduced fat croissants, baked; however, I had 4 of those), some orange, a (generic) pop-tart and then bad Chinese buffet. But, hey, the kids are here...
April 20, 2007 by pseudosoldier
I gave up on calorie counts today (just for today) when I got sick at lunch. Due to dehydration, sleep deprivation, calorie restriction and my internal clock being thrown off by my duty Tuesday... well, I got sick. But here's my list anyway: 5 mile perimeter run (about a 9:30 minute/mile pace). 2 eggs, egg substitute, salsa Protein bar Lean cuisine Powerade Triscuits and cheese 2 chicken breasts Steamed mixed vegetables Chicken fried steak sandwich with lettuce, tomato, pickles, ...
April 20, 2007 by pseudosoldier
Due to a comment on another blog that seemed to question whether one could both proclaim that they are an American (instead of a Hyphen-American) and celebrate their heritage, I present this rambling rant. My mother is an American. Her mother is of Slovakian descent and her genetic father is Hungarian (by way of Czeckoslovakia). Her step-father is Pennsylvania Dutch and was the biggest influence upon her diet and cooking. I suppose she is guilty of not "celebrating her heritage" or some...
April 19, 2007 by pseudosoldier
Well, I've been keeping up pretty well with my personal accountability logs for the past week and a half. Yeah, that's not very long at all, but I'm hoping it's just a good start to what will be a fairly long personal campaign. I was 232 lb last Monday after I got home from PT. This is pretty much the top of what I've been, maybe not ever, but certainly since I've arrived here last year. I've said that I would do something about it, and now was the time to step up. Actually, now was ...
April 19, 2007 by pseudosoldier
PT: 30 minutes on the treadmill (3 minute warmup walk, 17 minutes at faster than 17 min/2 mile pace, 10 minutes of fast uphill walk as a cool down), 3 sets of 10 rep leg press (230lb, 240lb, 250lb), a few assisted pullups and 3 sets of 10 rep pull downs (for the back). Exercising larger muscle groups burns more... Vitamin Water: 25 cal, 0 fat cal, 0g fat, 0g saturated fat, 6g carb, 0g fiber, 0g protein 2 eggs, 1 egg substitute, salsa: 200 cal, 90 fat cal, 10g fat, 3g saturated fat, 4g ...
April 18, 2007 by pseudosoldier
So, I got relieved right at 0800 this morning, but went up to the company to deal with an issue with one of my students. By the time I got up there, the issue had resolved itself (or so I was assured). So, I slept from about 0930 until about 1630... not a bad amount, but I'm still very groggy. I had to run to base, then went to the grocery store. I had made a Lean Cuisine pizza while I was getting ready, and thought to myself at the store, "Man, I must've been really hungry, I don't eve...
April 17, 2007 by pseudosoldier
Damn it. So, today has been pretty stressful for me. I knew well ahead of time that I had duty tonight, so I'll be staying up all night babysitting barracks rats. But does that mean I made sure I got plenty of sleep last night? Noooooo... Once I did lay down, I had fitful dreams all night. Then this morning, after I had decided that I would sleep in to miss PT (we're not required to come in until Noon on our duty night days), my supervisor called to see why I wasn't at PT. So, the n...
April 17, 2007 by pseudosoldier
Had problems getting on the site last night. 35 minutes on the treadmill, total of ~3 miles run/walk including some sprints. Calf press and leg press. Vitamin water: 25 cal, 0 fat cal, 0g fat, 0g saturated fat, 6g carb, 0g fiber, 0g protein Bacon and onion sandwich: 230cal, 80 fat cal, 9g fat, 2.5g saturated fat, 21g carb, 5g fiber, 13g protein Protein Bar: 190 cal, 45 fat cal, 5g fat, 4.5g saturated fat, 3g carb, 1g fiber, 19g protein. Hot Pocket: 290 cal, 60 fat cal, 7g fat, 3.5g sa...
April 15, 2007 by pseudosoldier
Again, no direct counts, for this is a weekend. But, I'm being honest with everything else: Vitamin water, 3 eggs, 2 slices bacon Brocolli and cheese, Lean Cuisine 15 20lb biceps curls Triscuits and Cheese 2sets of 10 crunches (wow, that's pathetic) Vitamin water Brocolli and cheese, 4 fish fillets Apple Triscuits and cheese PT tomorrow morning is supposed to be a long run. edit: 50 pushups (20, 15, 15) on the dumbbells, 2x25 short dumbbell curls. Turkey on wheat with onion...
April 14, 2007 by pseudosoldier
No exact counts today. I've decided that I'll try to be generally good on the weekends, but not too good. However, in the interest of disclosure: Vitamin water when I woke up. 3 eggs + salsa for breakfast. Protein bar for morning snack. Lunch was the last of the shrimp, tomatoes and feta. This stuff doesn't hold up this long, all the fluids from the STF came out into the bottom of the bowl. The shrimp and feta were okay, but the tomatoes were ... kinda stewed sitting in this sludg...
April 14, 2007 by pseudosoldier
Little late posting this. I laid down on my bed at 1900, still in my ACUs (minus the jacket and beret) and slept until 03. 2.2 mile Battalion run (about an 11 minute/mile pace) Vitamin water: 25 cal, 0 fat cal, 0g fat, 0g saturated fat, 6g carb, 0g fiber, 0g protein 2 eggs, 2 egg substitutes + Salsa: 230 cal, 90 fat cal, 10g fat, 3g saturated fat, 5g carb, 1g fiber, 26g protein Lunch: 540 cal, ? fat cal, 22g fat, ? saturated fat, 16g carb, ?g fiber, 66g protein Dinner: 400 cal, 90 fat...
April 13, 2007 by pseudosoldier
I have a gas grill that I "inherited" in a somewhat convoluted way... On a side note, it is apparently Canadian, which substituted, for a while amongst my friends, for the common derogatory "gay." As in, "That's so gay," which could also be, "That's so stupid," or more correctly, "I don't like that but don't want to try to come up with a rational reason to dislike it." So we would say, "That's so Canadian," or, "Dude, don't be so Canadian." We intended no disrespect for our friends north ...
April 12, 2007 by pseudosoldier
35 minutes brisk walk on the treadmill, 2 sets of leg press (I felt like crap, both because I was hard on the running earlier this week and because I was short around 500 calories yesterday) Vitamin Water: 25 cal, 0 fat cal, 0g fat, 0g saturated fat, 6g carb, 0g fiber, 0g protein Protein Bar: 300 cal, 50 fat cal, 6g fat, 3.5g saturated fat, 37g carb, 1g fiber, 23g protein Lunch: 540 cal, ? fat cal, 22g fat, ? saturated fat, 16g carb, ?g fiber, 66g protein Brocolli and cheese: 60 cal, 25...