Published on April 19, 2007 By pseudosoldier In Misc
Well, I've been keeping up pretty well with my personal accountability logs for the past week and a half. Yeah, that's not very long at all, but I'm hoping it's just a good start to what will be a fairly long personal campaign.

I was 232 lb last Monday after I got home from PT. This is pretty much the top of what I've been, maybe not ever, but certainly since I've arrived here last year. I've said that I would do something about it, and now was the time to step up.

Actually, now was about two weeks after the time to step up. I have an Army PT test next Wednesday, and two weeks of prep for that isn't really optimal. A full month of a solid pushup/situp regime would certainly enhance my performance and I could take some weight off a little easier, but... well, better late than never.

I haven't been as consistent with pushups and situps as I should have been, but I'm definitely below 2000 calories a day (except for Saturday night, but I had to celebrate my Army birthday somehow) and that is taking the weight off. This morning after PT I was down to 223. I realize that about half of that is water weight, but that means I've lost about 4 solid pounds in just under two weeks.

My eventual goal (which I might reach in as little as 6 weeks, I figure) is to get down to "fighting weight": 206lb. Not that I plan on fighting, but I figure a good weight class would be 205 (light heavyweight), and they allow an extra pound in case the scale is off. My other goals include: get my bodyfat (as determined by the wildly inaccurate circumference method the Army uses) at least 2% below my max allowed; get rid of most of this gut and these love handles; look decent without a shirt on; get my PT test scores up above a 250 (this one is pretty long term, though, but I have about 6 months for it).

I intend this to not be a short-term, short-lived attempt. I might not keep my calories quite so restricted all the time, but I'm not going to pig out on a regular basis. Nope. Not me.

And dropping for 10 (or 20) tends to fend off the boredom eating binges, too...

on Apr 20, 2007
I think it's great that you're staying motivated and plan on doing this as a lifestyle! Pretty encouraging! I have been trying, on and off, on and off....I'm so trying to stop the cycle! Good luck with the continued motivation!