pseudosoldier's Articles In History
April 20, 2007 by pseudosoldier
Due to a comment on another blog that seemed to question whether one could both proclaim that they are an American (instead of a Hyphen-American) and celebrate their heritage, I present this rambling rant. My mother is an American. Her mother is of Slovakian descent and her genetic father is Hungarian (by way of Czeckoslovakia). Her step-father is Pennsylvania Dutch and was the biggest influence upon her diet and cooking. I suppose she is guilty of not "celebrating her heritage" or some...
November 27, 2005 by pseudosoldier
I don't know exactly how I pulled this off... well, okay, I guess I do. I did not finish all my assignments on time, but I emailed the instructor a week-and-a-half out of the end date, letting him know that I hadn't gotten things done, that I felt that I had bitten off more than I could chew comfortably, and what other things were vying for my time (family life, new promotion, Platoon Sergeant duties). He told me that he had gone Warrant while he was in specifically to avoid PSG BS, so he's...