Published on April 21, 2007 By pseudosoldier In Diet
You know, if you could call me "accountable" today, anyway.

I've done little to no PT: we walked around at a Children's Festival on base today, and I wound up both toting and swinging the kids around a bit.

I've eaten too much: Egg sandwich (2 eggs, 1 egg substitute, onion and bacon on wheat), pigs in a blanket (reduced fat hot dogs in reduced fat croissants, baked; however, I had 4 of those), some orange, a (generic) pop-tart and then bad Chinese buffet.

But, hey, the kids are here and I'm not focused. Well... that's a bad excuse. I need to start focusing.

on Apr 22, 2007
And a beer and a half and some chili before I went to sleep. :/
on Apr 22, 2007
Doesn't sound that bad to me. Well, maybe the Chinese buffet, LOL, but maybe you don't go nuts at buffets like I do.
on Apr 23, 2007
It could've been worse, but making a balanced dinner at home would've been much better for me (although more work than I wanted to engage in at the time). Still, I've told myself that the weekends are indulgence time, so I just need to keep myself honest about it, blog about it, and let the guilt work on me.