3 general seating tickets: $33 (with the military discount, I saved $21 by picking them up on Base) box of popcorn and two snowcones in commemorative white tiger cups: $26 two souvenier toys (a spinning light-up elephant that my son is currently flogging himself with and a stuffed white tiger with baby white tiger): $43 There weren't even any white tigers in the show, but try using logic on a 4-year-old. There was an elephant; they did a routine where a circus child laid down in bed...
The "big special" thing I'm doing with the kids this week (besides spending every waking moment with them) is taking them to the circus tonight. Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey presents "Upside-Down World." The boys are a bit ambivalent about whether they want to go or not. I know they will enjoy it, but sometimes when I ask them to leave the apartment they protest. Seems that, given a choice, they'd often rather sit around here, playing XBox, playing board games and watching TV. ...
Rum and coke, large sake, large sake. >short break
"You can tell when a technology is done for when Wal-Mart doesn't carry it." - SSG Ox, two days ago in class "I'm sure Wal-Mart still has VCRs." - me, immediately after, in response We were both half-right; Wal-Mart had a VCR/DVD combo, and several VCR/TV combos, but nothing standalone. I'll need to check at the BX to see if there's anything there. (I did get a microwave, though.) My plans of watching the rest of the Highlander VHS tapes I have tonight just went out the w...
So, like I said last time, I had Jarhead, Cinderella Man and Doctor Zhivago lined up for last night. I jumped right in with an easy choice: Jarhead. Based on a memoir of a former Marine's experiences during Desert Shield/Storm, this movie delivered an entertaining but sometimes sobering story of a man during war. There were different parts of the film that hit me harder now than they would've eight years ago. I can certainly recommend this, but keep in mind there's a little violence, so...
For those of ye who do not know... today be International Talk Like a Pirate Day! Ye lubbers can divine information from this site: Link A worthy holiday it be, indeed! Bonus track: While on TDY to Germany with Cochise and greywar, the subject of "civilian clothes day" came up amongst the locally stationed soldiers. One of them suggested "pirate day," as she has a "thing" for Johnny Depp. Coincidentally, the Army Times I had been reading featured a two-page article about "Talk Li...