I found a few things interesting about this Link recent article: 1. This is the first time that I've noticed the sub-title from the blog doesn't come over to the Forums post. This article's sub-title is, "America Looks for a way out but cant find the escape hatch". This idea is supported in the text by: Bush has already stated that he wil [sic] withdraw his troops from Iraq if the new government asks for a withdrawl [sic]. It is clear that the USA wants to cut its losses and leave...
The one in English: Is Ariel Sharon a sincere partner for peace? Yes 20% No 73% Unsure 7% Number of pollers: 19460 (Poll lasts from 16JAN05 to 21JAN05) The one in Arabic (loosely translated; please note I'm flying blind with no dictionary): Will the New Year bear out the failure of the election in Iraq? Yes 69.8% 3845 No 30.2% 1664 Total voters 5509 (Poll lasts from 18JAN05 to 1FEB05) Moral? Don't trust the Jew, but don't trust the Iraqis either? I...
So, that paper I posted as my last article? Link Here's how the grade broke down on it: A "works cited" of at least five (5) sources 20/20 [It was there... I didn't post it. I'll put it in the comments.] Proper use of MLA style - a works cited, parenthetical notations, header, proper format 25/40 [Obviously, I didn't do the notations at all.] The extent to which the paper demonstrates outside research and knowledge learned 85/100 [It was supposed to be a 5 page pa...
Hey, you remember that time that I said I'd do all my homework online for that class? The one that I had to take an incomplete on? The one that the paper was due next Monday, and then tomorrow, and now she has to put the grades in tomorrow, so now it's due... now? So, I never actually finished it (shh, don't tell), but I sent it in anyway. I have at least a "C" in the class, which may be more than I deserve. And, as I promised (somewhere else, I'm not sure), I'm posting this incomplete...
Possibly the last thing I'll post from that ghodawful Government class I was taking. The one that ended almost four months ago. The one that I'm still not done with... This paper was supposed to be a collaborative effort (I worked on it alone, except for the inspiration I have derived from those around me whom I feel I can talk to about politics), and the topic was "5 reasons you can trust the government, and 5 reasons you can't trust the government." I have no idea how many reasons I h...
Well, I don't normally do this, even to people's emails. I hate hate hate forwarded messages. This one is from my Mom, God bless her. I haven't checked the veracity of the claims made therein, but it was interesting enough for me to post. If you want to take me to task for it being inaccurate (which I have no idea if it is or is not), meh on you. Cut-and-paste commences........ Now: 709,000 REGULAR (ACTIVE DUTY) PERSONNEL. 293,000 RESERVE TROOPS. EIGHT STANDING ARMY ...
Multiple Choice: 1. Federalism is: a. a constitutional arrangement whereby power is divided between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the government. b. a constitutional arrangement whereby power is not divided but is maintained only at the federal level. c. a constitutional arrangement whereby power is divided between national and subnational governments. d. a constitutional arrangement whereby power is divided between the president and the bureaucracy. 2. In a uni...
So, since I am "attending" a Texas learning institution for my eArmyU classes, our Government class is required to cover Texas Government as well. This chapter was my first foray into such areas... Texans are weird. Chapter 20 The Texas Constitution 1. Texas declared its independence from Mexico in: a. 1845. b. 1861. c. 1836. d. 1827. 2. The current Texas Constitution was written in: a. 1845. b. 1976. c. 1876. d. 1827 3. The U.S. Constitution has 7,000 words; the Texas ...
Been awhile since I've posted one of these, but I'm almost caught up on these. I'm actually going to take the first unit test tomorrow, to ensure that I have 25% of the classwork done before the end date (18JUN04) so I can get my incomplete, and the extra 120 days to finish the coursework. Here's Chapter 3, The Constitution: Limiting Governmental Power. Multiple Choice: 1. Constitutionalism means that: a. elected officials are not allowed to exercise power. b. those who exercise g...
AND... Chapter 2, because I know everyone's been waiting with bated breath. Multiple choice: 1. Widely shared ideas about who should govern, for what ends, and by what means, are generally called: a. political culture b. political conflict c. political contradictions d. political conditions 2. Classical liberalism asserts: a. the worth and dignity of the elites b. support for the Libertarian party c. support for the Democratic party d. the worth and dignity of the individual ...
For dharmagrl and other interested parties: 1. How many stars are there on our flag? 2. What do the stars on the flag mean? 3. What color are the stripes? 4. What do the stripes on the flag mean? 5. What is the date of Independence Day? 6. Independence from whom? 7. What do we call a change to the Constitution? 8. How many branches are there in our government? 9. How many full terms can a president serve? 10. Who nominates judges of the Supreme Court? 11. How many Supreme Court j...
They really like that definition of politics in this book... Okay, here's the multiple choice and true/false, and the essay questions. I'll reply to my own article with the answers (and the essay once I write it), but see how well you do without peeking. 1. What distinguishes governmental politics from politics in other institutions in society? a. governmental decisions are limited b. governmental decisions extend to the whole society c. governments can use force d. both government...