What the...?
Published on October 15, 2004 By pseudosoldier In Politics
So, that paper I posted as my last article? Link

Here's how the grade broke down on it:

A "works cited" of at least five (5) sources
[It was there... I didn't post it. I'll put it in the comments.]

Proper use of MLA style - a works cited, parenthetical notations, header, proper format
[Obviously, I didn't do the notations at all.]

The extent to which the paper demonstrates outside research and knowledge learned
[It was supposed to be a 5 page paper, and I did 3.]

Proper use of grammar and spelling writing organization, intro and conclusion in writing
[Conclusion? What's that?]

Total Score

WTFery abounds.

That actually brings my total score for the class up to ... 92%. An A.

Well, it should earn me some points with the wife, anyway. And I'm only one class away from my Associate's now...

on Oct 15, 2004
WOO-HOO!!! Good for you! Take the A and run.
on Oct 15, 2004
Good job Pseudo.

What major are you working towards?
on Oct 16, 2004
Well, the Associate's plan that the Army put me on is "General Studies." But the Associate's that I can get first, through the Defense Language Institute is the "DLI AA," which is described here: Link

Of course, I'm a failed Electrical Engineering student and ROTC cadet. If I had been a Math major, I may have made it through... but then I wouldn't be where I am today. No, not this shitty Fort, I mean with the family I have now. (I find it very hard to second guess past events when I have even one thing good now.)
on Oct 16, 2004
Good that you are counting your blessings. Congratulations. Keep it going.
on Oct 16, 2004
Take the A and put it in savings, they're sure to dock you as soon as they realize what they've done. You'll probably get "no grades due" on your next few report cards........oh wait, that's army payroll, damnit..............
on Oct 16, 2004
My biggest regret about this class isn't that I didn't get it done on time (although that would've elminated my biggest regret... hmm.). It's that if I had finished it last week, or even just submitted it with one less paragraph last week, I could've signed up for that next class, and be taking it now. But, now I have to wait two more months.

Someday, I'll stop putting things off. Maybe tomorrow...
on Oct 16, 2004
Someday, I'll stop putting things off. Maybe tomorrow...

True live for today not for the past.

If we all regret about past actions how will we move into action today.

Capre Noctem!

- Grim X
on Oct 16, 2004

Someday, I'll stop putting things off.

Why? The reward was the same:)

on Oct 16, 2004
The reward was the same, and now I don't have to take any classes right now (I missed the sign-up period)...
But I still have to take 3 more classes before June, or I have to pay for this POS laptop. You know the one. The one I had in Germany. NOT worth what they would charge me for it...
on Oct 16, 2004
Congrats on the grade . . . and on being so close to having your Associates degree.