I forget what it was that I was searching for when I found this blog site. Maybe it was a search for information about the remaining two captured soldiers. I found a bit of that information on the blog (without much commentary or opinion associated with that post), but I also found some other tidbits. I especially liked the article title "Jewish Nazi Terrorist Advocates The Murder of Millions of Innocents." A more recent post explains to the American military members: "If your a stin...
I passed dharma, 10330 to 10288. I like seeing my score creeping up from the slow but steady trickle of points from my diet/exercise accountability postings (it's like a mini-reward for being good), but this also means that she hasn't been around to blog as much as I (and others) would like. I think points are recalculated daily, but I'm not certain. I see great deals of fluctuation in certain blogs' points, but no real trend or pattern. Basically, though, the more prolific writers do b...
If posting a dozen articles that are only two lines followed by a link to an external site is acceptable... And the poster has a score three times mine... Maybe that's what I should start doing. Then I can also feel better that I'm "blogging" again, right? Link
Lack of connectivity, articles missing, responses missing... A glitch that bumped us back a day, perhaps? test
Is it safe to blog? I can't really claim that I *definitely* would have, had the site not been down, but I've been composing the beginnings of various entries in my head more often in the past week. Maybe some of them will actually bear fruit. We'll see, I suppose.