I forget what it was that I was searching for when I found this blog site. Maybe it was a search for information about the remaining two captured soldiers. I found a bit of that information on the blog (without much commentary or opinion associated with that post), but I also found some other tidbits.

I especially liked the article title "Jewish Nazi Terrorist Advocates The Murder of Millions of Innocents." A more recent post explains to the American military members: "If your a stinking kaffir faggot wouldn't you rather be sucking down some brews and laying down with your skanky whores? Instead some other guy is with your girl/wife or boy (which ever you prefer) and sucking down your brews. Why waste your time or miserable meaningless life just to be sent to Hell prematurely?"

Obviously, all Muslims just want to live a peaceful, tolerant co-existance with others, right?

on Jun 21, 2007
Careful, those sites are so toxic that they can rot your brain if you read too many.
on Jun 21, 2007
There are a few Muslims on the other side but the numbers are lamentably small and they immediately meet with Fatwas for their "crimes".
on Jun 21, 2007

A sad insight into socio-religeuos delusionals....

Careful, those sites are so toxic that they can rot your brain if you read too many.

Agreed. It's best to take nut cases in small doses. Insanity is contagious.

I've had to pretty much stop listening to a certain local radio program for that very reason.