pseudosoldier's Articles In Home & Family
December 5, 2006 by pseudosoldier
I knew this was a problem shortly after I moved in, but it seems to have gotten noticeably worse recently. Maybe it's the change in weather, the cold bringing it out perhaps. It's slowly ruining many things for me. There will be a bit of a recovery process once I (eventually) move out of here, and that will take awhile to replace some things. Dishes, especially the pots and pans, my whites: socks, t-shirts and linens... yeah, the water's leaving a lot of mineral deposits. Stupid Co...
September 23, 2006 by pseudosoldier
Returned from a business trip. Minor issues when I arrived: My place doesn't stink (thankfully) but the air was very stale. I still need to clean, but nothing seems to be living in here. I have an issue with the post office and/or Amazon. My sister sent some presents for me and my boys, but the package was inside the apartment, opened and looted. The USPS has it listed as "notice left" not "package delivered", so I'm not sure what sort of claim I can make or with whom. I need to sp...
April 22, 2006 by pseudosoldier
There's this room in the back of my apartment. Currently, there are a great number of things in there... about 6 long boxes of comic books. Boxes of HeroClix figures and collectible card games. Piles of clean clothing... one pile of dirty clothing. A dresser. A pile of shoes and boots. But there isn't a bed. I've been sleeping on this couch for I-don't-know-how-long. It's not completely uncomfortable; it's a good couch, and I guess it's only about a year old. I remember when I ...
April 15, 2006 by pseudosoldier
Third weekend in a row... pretty good. I always do better when they're here, anyway. This weekend is Easter, and I've picked up some small amounts of candy for them. We'll also be getting a couple new Hot Wheels cars. They brought baskets with them, and their Gram and Grandpa (my parents) sent a care package. We've already watched on of the "Springtime" videos from Nick Jr. Nothing too exciting, as I'm far too tired for anything drastic. Next weekend I'll be "alone", so I'm going to...
June 20, 2005 by pseudosoldier
Now, I'm a bit of a "life voyeur," nothing sexual here. I people watch, sometimes unconsciously. It was unavoidable this morning, at the Legal Assistance office. Not only did I get to witness the people in line in front of me, including the skinny PFC in DCUs whose mother, sitting in the waiting area, had asked him to get a blanket power of attorney for when he went over to Iraq (was she just being protective, or trying to pull one over on him?), but I got to hear one side of several pho...
July 21, 2004 by pseudosoldier
Everywhere I look, cockroaches. I have only recently realized that they're nearly flat for a reason, you know. They aren't really there, mind you. Well, not in plain sight. But they're just under the surface, waiting to burst out. Out from under the stove, from under the sink (or up out of the drain). Definitely out from under the covers of my bed (can't sleep clow... er, cockroaches will get me). Even the thermostat. Man, it's cold in here. But they'll crawl out if I touch it, y'k...