Last Year: Link

This year, the WWE superstars made their way to Bagram Air Force Base in Afghanistan. Even if you don't like professional wrestling, the non-wrestling segments interspersed with the handful of matches were actually the highlight of the show. WWE's production staff do a good job of putting together a presentation showing their superstars interacting with soliders and airmen in Afghanistan.

There are a lot of WWE fans in the military, and everyone enjoys a good show... The non-storyline-laden matches that the WWE put on for these types of events are only rivaled in quality by the ones they put on for Eddie Guerrero's tributes.

I don't know if I can recommend spending the cash on the DVD that's available... but maybe it would be a nice fluffy rental one night when all the new movies are out.

on Dec 25, 2005

No, I dont do WWE.  But after this, I very well may!

What a wonderful gift!  And thank you!

on Dec 25, 2005
I like the fact that WWE supports the troops by doing this tribute each year, but this years matches for the tribute seemed a little lack luster. The intentions were admirable, but the execution wasn't great. The only match that I really liked was Shawn vs. HHH, but the other matches seemed lame.

I say definately rent instead of own. But that's just my opinion.

on Dec 27, 2005
It really is excellent that so many people are willing to entertain the troops. I was listening to an interview with Jeffrey Ross, who is a standup comic who has even accompanied General Myers! Ross has been all over the place, like Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Bosnia, even Djibouti! What a guy and what a cause. Ross said those were his favorite gigs of all time, playing for the troops.