Do we make a conscious (or unconscious) decision to love? Can we govern our feelings in this regard? Or is love something capricious, a whim, a mercurial emotion that comes and goes, as we fall in and out of it like the tide?
I know that the Christian upbringing I received tells me that I should love even my enemies. If I am unable to decide to love, how could I possibly love my enemies? I certainly don't naturally like those who would do me harm.
I know that, psychologically, feelings come from thoughts, which can be caused by actions. Our perceptions of a situation are more powerful than the facts of the matter. If we act lovingly, do the emotions follow?
The above short paragraphs are obviously slanted to my views, but I wish to entertain the comments of those who disagree with me, as well as those who concur with my thoughts. Fire away. I'd love to hear from you.