Having acquired my Associate of Arts in Arabic from the Defense Language Institute, Foreign Language Center, I faced a decision on what was next for me, educationally. Granted, I'm in the middle of an online History of the US 2 course, and have just started Philosophy 1, also online, but I was more concerned with what I would do degree-wise.
My first possible choice was to simply not do anything to alter my projected degree. However, an Associate of Arts in General Studies wouldn't add any value to the AA I already had obtained.
I could switch to another Associate Degree... as long as the Education department didn't find out I had my first. The Army is a stickler for only funding "continuing" education; you have to be working towards the next level of degree above what you already have. I can't wait to start work on my Doctorate...
I examined the AAs offered to me through the "eArmyU" program I'm signed up for. Only one seemed enticing at all: AA of Computer Science - Information Technology. It's still an Associate Degree, but at least it's in a completely different field, and would complement what I already have (both degree and skill) well.
My other option seems to be going to Excelsior College in Albany, NY. Formerly known as Regents College of New York (SUNY, I believe), they have a reputation... no, a STIGMA as a "degree mill" or "diploma factory." This should have less to do with their lax attendance standards (you don't have to take a single class there as long as you have enough transfer credits to obtain a degree) than it does with what they allow for transfer (anything that's not failing... my 'D' in Junior year Army ROTC gives me 3 upper level credits!). It would cost me $350 out of pocket, plus costs for books... but I'd only have to take 4 upper level courses with them, one upper level math from a local college (Tarleton offers Discrete Math), and a 1-credit-hour class on the internet that I could finish in 5 days if my unit let me go take it.
I'm leaning heavily towards Excelsior. I could finish a Bachelor's in Liberal Arts in less than a year if I bust my hump. A BS in Liberal Arts would certainly check that box for potential employers... but there is the stigma attached to it, and I've run into some flak from someone near and dear to me because of it already.
Still. I have to finish both my HIST II class and INTRO TO PHIL class before I consider it. As they aren't required for the other degree plans, I'd have to pay for them after the fact if I switch while I'm in them.
Wish me luck.