When PAC goes... er, stays... wrong
Published on August 25, 2005 By pseudosoldier In Work
[PAC = Personnel and Administration Center, sometimes also S-1]

So, I gathered up my paperwork, my last few LESs and my ERBs, some with correct dates, the most recent with incorrect dates, and went to the PLT SGT. Well, not the PLT SGT. The acting PLT SGT, since everyone was on block leave. I had talked to my Squad Leader. Well, not really my Squad Leader, but... well, three of us were kind of a squad triumverate, none of us actually over the other two, but they both knew what I was about in this case. I even went to see the Company Clerk. Well, not actually the clerk... So, I went to S-1, right? (Are we caught up, or should you go to this Link?)

I heard rumblings at the beginning of this week, about how no one should jump the chain of command, how the PSG was blindsided by this sort of thing, how no one but the clerk should see S-1 (although it says right on their door that they take walk-ins after lunch). I assumed, correctly, that they were referring to me... I felt I didn't have a choice, honestly. Have you ever had a no-pay-due? (I know SGT Monobrow has.)

Bright Side?: S-1 got my ETS date changed on both my ERB and my LES.
Down Side: It's still not a correct date. 19NOV05.

So, the PSG wants me to bring in my reenlistment contract, my TWO extensions, my ERB, my LESs (again...), and I guess he told my Squad Leader this on Wednesday. One of the other members of the triumverate was only able to relay that information to me today, and only because she had stayed after PT to address the Squad Leader in the matter, anyway. I really don't know where I'd be without that member of the triumverate... perhaps we can kill Caeser and gain greater power?


I can't find these papers that they want me to have. I found my certificate of reenlistment (I never bothered to sign on the line that says reenlistee). I printed out my reenlistment contract from my OMPF (Online Management Personnel Files? I forget, too many acronyms), but my extensions arent' in there. There is NO reason for my ETS date to be what it is... I had theories about the other ones, but can't even form thoughts surrounding this one. My fondest wish, currently, is that they'd put me out on that date. (But I know I'm just down right now with everything piling up on me.)

I hope I can get this resolved tomorrow. I'm hitting the pool early, changing into PT gear, and hightailing it to my unit for PT formation for once. I need to talk to my NCO support channel before we fall in for Reveille, or I might be stuck PTing twice (not bad for me, but I'll pay later, and it won't help solve this problem).

*grumble* *grumble*

on Aug 26, 2005
Geez, nothing changes much no matter if it's the same people there or not. I should know that and not be surprised, though.

Shouldn't the BN retention NCO have copies of the extentsions...somewhere?

I hope you get it straightened out. Good luck.
on Aug 26, 2005
I found the extension in my old leader's book... along with RoboJew's Terminal Leave, SGT Monobrow's promotion orders, and a pay inquiry for a SSG who isn't around any more, either... *sigh*

I only had one extension, apparently, for two months. There were two reasons I extended (assignment and eArmyU), so I somehow managed to convince myself that I had two extensions.

Paperwork was turned in this morning; I got 3 hours of sleep last night. Arabic practice test today was *TOUGH*!
on Aug 26, 2005
Run, run while you still can. There's still time! Cross over to the dark side Luke.