Published on July 10, 2005 By pseudosoldier In Work
First things first:

Pre-Hyptnotized Peter

What Office Space character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Now that's out of the way... She came home from her two week drill talking about how we had to see the movie, we had it on the shelf still in the plastic, and they were making references to it all weekend. I've been living references to it for just over five years, now.

Eight bosses - Not quite eight, but there's the Squad Leader, the Platoon Sergeant, the Platoon Leader, the First Sergeant... each of these might "jump your shit" as Peter might say. Hell, there's the Company Commander, Sergeant Major, Battalion Commander, other Sergeant Major, and Brigade Commander (although the higher commanders generally let their senior NCOs do the fecal leaping).

"I'm not lazy, I just don't care" - "Fuck up, move up." Is mediocrity its own reward? NO! There are other, better rewards for mediocrity...

"Yeah... I'm gonna need you to come in tomorrow. Oh, and Sunday, too." - No dodging out early on Friday to avoid the last minute weekend taskings for us. Oh, no. There's an accountability formation to see to that. (And they pulled it on our guys this past Friday, all of us except those who worked last weekend. Whew. Well, they were just on call, but, still...)

Criminy. Too much... can't... go on...

I don't feel like going to work tomorrow. (Thankfully, I don't have to.) (Sadly, I am pre-hypnotized Peter.)

on Jul 11, 2005
Turns out I'm Lawrence. Must be the Kung fu movies...
on Jul 11, 2005
I'm Samir...maybe I'm a little too angry...

on Jul 11, 2005
HW - I think it's more that you aren't as jaded about your job as you'd need to be to get pre-hypnotized Peter as your result.

Z03 - Do you curse as unintelligibly? "This is fuck!"

And I still don't want to go to work tomorrow...

edit: Holy crap, it's on AMC right now. Go figure.
on Jul 12, 2005
It turns out that I, too am Pre-Hypnotized Peter. I dont really hate my job though. Its the processes involved in getting to work that I really detest. The whole waking up thing....PT.....then rush hour traffic trying to get onto post...yadda yadda yadda. Then theres the "boss" thing. Since I am one of the lowest ranking instructors, that means that.....I am a private again. Hey SSG EL do this....Hey SSG EL do that. So, I say, the most respectful yet sarcastic way that I an say it. The SFC that is taking over our PLT when the PSG leaves next month is a real tool. I can t stand him and I think that for the first time in my career I will get an article 15 because of him and his retarded toolness. He is a complete waste of space.
So, short version: I am sorry. I sympathize with you and I hope things get better.
Miss ya!