Everything was put off again, until 0600 Tuesday morning. We were set to miss PT, but it would all be over. Of course, at 0040, I received a phone call. I managed to repeat everything that the SSG said aloud, attempting to memorize the new schedule, but it turned out all I had remembered was "go to PT as normal." I opted to call the soldiers in the morning, before they headed out to the flight line (read: I passed out almost immediately).
We went to PT "as normal", and I caught up to the SSG there. I confessed I hadn't caught the new time for the detail; he said he hadn't told me, and admitted that he may have had the same problems getting the info from 1SG last night. All he knew, it was supposed to be this afternoon.
So, we go to work as normal, and just after 1030, we get a phone call saying the plane would come in at 1130, could we get down to the flight line as soon as possible? And off we go...
Anyway, there were a lot more people there this time, too many, and we spent more time than was necessary sitting around. I didn't even get to see the soldiers who came back, but that's fine as I don't know them well. They were taken care of, and greeted by friendly faces at least. We finished up the detail, working through lunch, and even were released from work a bit early. We're getting a three-day in compensation for this past weekend, which is good.
Most of all, our unit is home. All soldiers, all equipment (we might be missing a few weapon barrels), la di da di everybody. Good stuff.