I'm Hatin' It
Published on June 18, 2005 By pseudosoldier In Diet
If you're too overweight (read: fat) to comforatbly walk around Wal-Mart while shopping (read: lazy enough to ride on one of those self-propelled motor chairs), you probably shouldn't eat at the in-store McDonald's for lunch.

Also, did you know that out of a children's happy meal, the part with the most calories is the french fries (230, compared to 170 for either 4 chicken MCnuggets or the chocolate "milk")? Whereas the "apple dippers" are low calorie (comparitively) and are also "a good source of Vitamin C" (directly off the bag the happy meal comes in, which is after you've ordered the french fries...).

on May 01, 2006
I like what you do, continue this way.