Published on February 3, 2005 By pseudosoldier In Blogging
ARMOR GEDDON - I was directed to this site through Citizen Smash, and while I haven't had a chance to read a lot of it, the author's description of ground combat and chasing insurgents in Iraq was riveting in the article I did read.

CBFTW - For all intents and purposes, CB is no longer updating his site. A soldier with a Stryker Brigade operating out of Mosul, he took some flak (not literally) for some perceived OPSEC issues. Pulling down most of his articles, he seemingly sulked in Iraq for several weeks, only to repost a select few of his stories without much updating afterwards. However, his writing style is a very flowing narrative, and was natural enough I was even able to (mostly) gloss over the spelling and grammar errors. It seems he may be back in the States now; I'm hoping he gets the book deal that had been hinted at.

chiprj - Chip is an MLI at DLIFLC out in Monterey. He hasn't been updating as frequently as when he started (something to do with WoW, I think), and it's too bad as his good mood is often infectious. A sharp guy, he's pretty funny when he doesn't try too hard.

Citizen Smash - Smash is an officer in the Naval Reserves out in California. He's rather political, but he's very well written, and focuses a lot on military topics. I've been enjoying his blog for many months now.

greywar - The man, the myth, the legend. 'nuff said.

Hyperborean Wanderer - SGT Wanderer was a great influence upon me while he was here at my unit. His writings are certainly top-notch, and not all of them have to do with his experiences in the military (although the insight into the daily life of an NCO in Iraq is certainly educational).

Negrodamus - Cadet Negrodamus hasn't updated... ever. It's really too bad that he has no patience or attention span for this, as I find him even funnier in writing.

Nobody Special - Another local soldier who seems to have lost the will to blog, I may have to start spamming his articles with comments to get him to come back. Or mention him in a "list" post to shame him out of hiding. Oh, wai-

SSG Geezer - Yet another local soldier who blah blah. What is it with these guys? I find Geezer's posts to be generally funny and likeable. I know he spends a lot of time on the computer anyway, I guess he just hasn't found the time/drive to post much.

Talisein - Very actively updating, very actively sitting around in Iraq. Let me be honest: I didn't like either Negrodamus or Talisein when they showed up. It was the fault of neither of them and, once I actually gave them the chance, I soon realized that they are intelligent and often funny people. Check out Tal, even if he is on Live Journal.

edit: Never mind about Tal unless you have an LJ account. He's "friends only" now, which excludes those who aren't registered. (It was bad enough that LJ is blocked by III Corps, but now I can't even use Google Cache to view...)

Other than that... I need to update my links, probably, to include Estrogen Lass. Her page is a little more personal, and may not be of general interest to those who don't know her (although I often question why much of my postings are, either). She does have a few funny stories up there, and I think she rocks.

Support the troops, folks.

on Feb 03, 2005
No No No, my friend, YOU ROCK!!!!

I dont know how long its been snce you have been on my journal, but I have added my little links and such and changed the color scheme. Its prettier and its more me. I have you listed on my links (cause I think you rock)
on Feb 03, 2005
You're making me blush.

So, are you okay with me linking to you then? Looks like it... lemme update.
on Feb 03, 2005 put me on your blog : )
Thank you.
And you do rock.
on Feb 05, 2005
Hey Pseudo, thanks for the write-up. I was worried for a while there that you were one of those guys who'd lost the will to blog, but I just reminded myself that you are a busy man. I'm always glad when I see a new post from you.
on Feb 06, 2005
It may sound odd, but one of the reasons I don't write more is that I'm convinced no one would be interested. However, I think the more successful bloggers just write, regardless of their audience (at least at first); if they're interesting even half the time, they'll be read...
on Feb 07, 2005
I am interested......if that means anything.