It's Not What You Think
Published on September 20, 2004 By pseudosoldier In Current Events
I was reading an article posted on JU Link , where the last comment (at the time... I'm sure the 3 people participating have bumped it up) asked for an Iraqi citizen's opinion. Now, I'm not an Iraqi citizen, but I spent some time searching for something appropriate on the net. Unfortunately, none of the blogs I follow have tackled this obviously weighty issue. I thought about directing him to the Al-Jazeera forums, but I doubt he can read Arabic.
But I popped into AJ just to see... I have problems navigating their new Arabic layout, so I get lazy and check the English version. Link
That's when I saw it.
"Kerry said Bush has offered 23 reasons for going to war - a comeback to Republicans who count how many times they say Kerry has flip-flopped on Iraq - and "if his purpose was to confuse and mislead the American people, he succeeded". "

Confuse and mislead, hell! He's an Illuminatus puppet!

(Not that this is that big a shock, really. I mean, c'mon.)

on Sep 21, 2004
Good GOD!!!
on Oct 08, 2004
I fear God has nothing to do with it...