Even the ones in your own unit
Published on July 26, 2004 By pseudosoldier In Misc
I noticed, on my way in to work Saturday, something that shit on my morale. This isn't the type of shitting on my morale that I need in order to complete my tasks (which I plan on blogging about later), but instead the kind that makes me feel a little queasy.

On the way in to work, we have to travel a road that leads to an airfield. This is the airfield that troops get flown out of on their way to Iraq. There are some fences along the route, and when the deployments first started, someone had the idea of hanging bed sheets as signs along these fences to let soldiers know they were supported. "Jeremiah Come Home Safe" "Welcome Back SSG Somebody" Things like that.

There was one up in support of our forward element as well. "God Bless [The Unit I Belong To]" A nice gesture by someone's dependent (wife), most likely.

But on Saturday, it had been torn down.

Now, by torn down, I don't mean it was gone. That wouldn't have gotten this much out of me. It's gone, someone took it down, could've been that spouse. No, this was [b]torn[b] down. In tatters. Lying on the ground near the fence. Pieces of the sign still hanging up.

This vandalism is the kind of shitting on a unit that hurts. For other units looking at us, we may not appear to have unit cohesion/pride/unity. But we do, it's just our own special brand. The thought that someone in the unit would feel so poorly about the unit that they would vandalize a sign of support for our troops WHO ARE IN IRAQ RIGHT NOW, SUBJECT TO MORTAR FIRE (see Talisein's blog).

(This is an assumption that it was someone in the unit, but none of the other signs were touched.)

on Jul 26, 2004
Fuck these fucking fuckers. Can't even allow others to show support for their loved ones.
on Jul 26, 2004

That kind of shit makes me almost as angry as the shit that's going down in Iraq.  WTF?? 

on Jul 26, 2004
People like to compare the whole ordeal in Iraq to Vietnam, which I think also includes the part where they spit on the troops.
on Jul 26, 2004
I can not express in words the anger I feel after reading this post. I think this comes close, though -

Fuck these fucking fuckers.

I can tell you that when I came home from my 3 months in Haiti, it felt great to see my name on a bedsheet (along with the names of all the guys I went with) hanging off the second floor lanai. Of the 15 people that deployed, 12 came back after two months so they left it up for an entire month just for three of us to get back. That bedsheet (and it was a red, white, and blue monstrosity- but still a beautiful monstrosity to my eyes) stayed up the entire extra month we were deployed and them some after we returned. And that was just a little 3 month Haitian Vacation!!!

on Jul 26, 2004
People like to compare the whole ordeal in Iraq to Vietnam, which I think also includes the part where they spit on the troops

WTF?!?! Didn't we learn a valuable lesson after Vietnam? If you don't support the war, OK, don't support it. Protest it. By God, that's one of the freedom's of our country. I love the fact that people CAN protest, even if I disagree. But spit on soldiers (even figuratively)? No, that's flat out wrong. That's not an exercise in free speech.
on Jul 26, 2004
Joseph - Perhaps most telling about this "spitting on the troops" is that the painted sheet in question is on a little rinky-dink section of the post that really only people working out there have a real need to be on. Additionally, none of the other displays (another bedsheet, the colored cups shoved into the fencework to spell words and names) were touched.
This isn't a case of some anti-war protestors. This is some assclown in my Battalion being childish, to (IMO) the detriment of the unit morale. SGT Silverback was pretty pissed over it, I know...
on Jul 27, 2004
I bet SGT Silverback was upset about it. I can only imagine. I am upset and I am not even there anymore. Its probably some disgruntled soldier in another PLT (that will go nameless...I think we know which one I speak of) that doesnt have his clearance and his mad that now he has to do police call every day up and down Clark Rd with absolutely no assistance from the Bitch Detail PLT.

"Fuck Kerry"
on Jul 28, 2004
Keep the faith, Pseudo!
on Jul 28, 2004
By Crom, it's good to see you commenting.
on Jul 28, 2004
If you start making comments about his "mighty thews" I'm outta here...
on Oct 01, 2004
Rereading this one just pisses me off again at the jackass that did this! Some people's children...
on Oct 02, 2004
There go my tears again! How awful! When I see so many cars with those nice yellow and some red, white and blue ribbons on them with the words, "Support our Troops!", I wonder what I can do beside something like that to show my support. I feel quite helpless except for my heartfelt prayers.