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Tales from a Shebih Joondi
Comic Book Movies
My Take
Published on July 21, 2004 By
Movies & TV & Books
So, forces have conspired to put me on this topic, today. First, we talked about it at work. From the upcoming Batman movie
starring Christian Bale, to McG (of Charlie's Angels "fame") being off the Superman movie. Of course, it's comic book day today (Wednesday is the normal day that comic books arrive at local comic book specialty shops, barring holidays and acts of Busiek). So, I wound up talking about this subject down at Book Stan'. From Catwoman (Halle Berry in an apparently atrocious DC comics film out this Friday) to Green Lantern (Jack Black in an apparently atrocious DC comics film out whenhellfreezesoverifwe'relucky). Now, Batman (1989) is on Sciffy. And then Amitty
blogs about both X-Men 3 and Spider-Man 2.
So, I figure I should chime in. At least a little.
Latest rumors I've heard, and where: McG is off of the upcoming Superman movie (which has been upcoming at least as long as I've been in the Army). [rec.art.comics.dcu] Bryan Singer is signed as the director. [Earl and Sidney at Book Stan'; also
] Halle Berry won't be Storm in X-Men 3, so Storm will be written out. [Amitty] Mass speculation on what villain will be in Spider-Man 3. [everywhere] Everything about Batman. [follow the IMDB link above]
The most... well, not disturbing. Honestly, it evoked a solid "meh" of "how could I expect anything more from them?" when I heard it. The news that Warner Bros. is going to cast Jack Black as Kyle Rayner in a not-so-serious Green Lantern film. I think the most damning thing I can say about this film is that I'm nearly completely uninterested in it. This is coming from someone who enjoys Mr. Black's works fairly well, but also comes from a man who owns four different and distinct Green Lantern t-shirts (one was a wedding gift from my wife, one was a 5yr anniversary gift from my wife). I also have a 14 inch Green Lantern figurine on a hand-made stand on my dresser. I have the classic Super Powers Green Lantern action figure with the leg-squeeze-trigger Ring Slinging Action and Lantern accesory. The last time I dressed up for Halloween (language school), I was Green Lantern.
And this film. This, I'm not going to see in theatres. It just doesn't do it for me.
I'm not looking forward to Catwoman. (Cochise was conspiring to get out of the house to see it, strictly for Ms. Berry's er... "acting talents.") I'm skipping that in the theatre as well.
I'm a little upset Singer is off of the third X-Men film, but hope that they get a decent script for it. It *should* be nice to see him on Superman. And Christian Bale should make a kickass Bruce Wayne, if not Batman as well. (I also want to see if they pronounce Ra's Al Ghul 's name correctly...) Blade is coming out later this year. It looks like a "fun romp of a film." (read as: standard action film with little to no coherent plot) I hear that Snipes wants to keep doing them. [comic book guys] I'd rather see him as King T'Challa.
And... enough of my ramblings. Did I miss anything? (Oh, yeah, I am
gonna get the Hellboy DVD when it comes out (soon, right?).)
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on Jul 21, 2004
I'm looking forward to the new Batman flick, too, and I'll watch anything with Superman. I may not like it (Superman 3/4) but I'll watch it. If GL is truly going to be a Jack Black thing, I'll wait to rent it. I, too, am a huge GL fan - I have nearly every issue of the current run, the statue, couple of figures, plastic GL ring, original comic art, etc...
I won't see Catwoman... just doesn't appeal to me.
I will see Blade, but on DVD, not the theater... It will get rented before GL.
I am looking forward to the new X-Men.
Snipes would make a great Panther.
Haven't seen Hellboy (I know, I have issues) but will see it on DVD.
And, Spider-Man 2 absoulutely rocked! It recently replaced Superman the Movie as my all time favorite comics movie. Pure gold!
I think that touches on most of the movies you mentioned...
Oh, I loved League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. I'd love to see an ongoing 100 Bullets (only if Azzarello was on board, though). Planetary would rock, too, but would also have to be a series - to keep in the style (or ever-changing style) of the book.
on Jul 21, 2004
Yeah, I skipped of League and a lot of other comics based movies that weren't specifically about superheroes. I still chose the title I did to maybe generate further discussion from fellow comic geeks in the comments... hadn't pegged you for one, but am pleasantly surprised. Did you see From Hell or Road to Perdition? (technically comic films, but of course a totally different genre)
I stopped getting the GL comic sometime within the past year. He was on OA, and Jenny was "maybe" pregnant, I think. Didn't much like the writer, honestly. I couldn't get the lifesize replica power battery past the wife, though.
Catwoman ... isn't the DC Catwoman. meh.
Blade 2 was okay. It's just brain candy, tho.
I really hope X-Men continues to be as good as it has been.
Snipes has said he'd like to play Panther, but I heard today he really wants to keep milking the Blade franchise... sad.
Hellboy was good. But I only got to see it while TDY to FT Gordon, at the post theatre. Cochise liked it, too, and I think he's kinda comic-phobic.
The Spider-Franchise is the strongest contender going yet. It's awesome, draws in the general public (including chicks!), and throws so many bones to hardcore fanboys. Great movies.
on Jul 21, 2004
I stopped getting the GL comic sometime within the past year.
I actually quit getting it this past year, also... I may break down and fill in, though, since I've read (don't know if it's true) that the run will end with #181. I also heard they plan on bringing back Hal. Don't know if that's wise of DC, but, eh... the series and character are so blah to me now. I like Kyle, but the book has just gone downhill... Hal has been pretty well ruined and I can't think of how they can bring him back without causing at least as much trouble as when they had him snap then parallaxed/killed/specter'd him... John Stewart is more interesting to me now in the current run (the story where he overcomes his paralysis is one of my favorite single issues)
Only saw parts of From Hell and haven't seen Road to Perdition.
I still chose the title I did to maybe generate further discussion from fellow comic geeks in the comments... hadn't pegged you for one, but am pleasantly surprised.
I'm a big time comic geek. Although, I've cut back drastically over the past few years. I recently sold the majority of my collection over eBay. I still pick up JLA (eh... mostly because I've got the whole run so far and I'm a bit of a completionist so I'll collect a book sometimes even after it's jumped the shark), JSA (which is superior to JLA right now), GL (at one time my absolute favorite monthly book), Planetary, the Authority (more completionism), and 100 Bullets (mostly trade paperbacks).
I kept my full runs of Starman and Resurrection Man. Two of the best series of the past ten years, IMHO. I also kept my full run of the X-Files. I really enjoyed that series.
Well, back on the movie topic - Just saw the preview for AVP on TV (twice) and that one looks like it will be fun.
CS Guy
on Jul 21, 2004
I used to be a big comic geek, but it's been about 12 years since I bought a book, except for the "Death of Superman", "A World Without Superman", and "The Return of Superman" trade books I ordered from Amazon a couple weeks ago. Actually it was the conversation here about the next spiderman villain that made me order those. I had never read them, and thought I'd give them a shot. Not bad.
I stopped "collecting" because I couldn't afford it anymore, and had to sell my collection of 10 years in order to eat. But now I'm thinking of getting back on the horse, since I currently have a pretty decent lifestyle.
on Jul 21, 2004
Looks like they're bringing back Hal, yeah. I have the Spectre series he was the main character for, and it was alright, but not really... stellar. Didn't really grab me. I may try out GL again if they do a "soft reboot" of sorts.
From Hell was good; Johnny Depp doing what Johnny Depp does best: playing a drug addict. I haven't seen Road to Perdition, either.
I won't pick up JLA until Kurt Busiek starts writing it (about 1/2 year from now? #108 or so), JSA is good stuff if overcomplicated (and *bogged* down in convoluted continuity). I enjoy Birds of Prey, Spider-Girl, and sometimes the current GIJoe book (although I'm sure that's just nostalgia).
Starman is great, and I should pick up the trades. I came into Resurrection Man late, at the point where it crossed over with Supergirl. I don't believe I picked up the earlier issues (I should), but I finished out the run to the end.
AVP counts as a comic movie, I guess. Also as a computer game movie, and a... movie/movie movie. I'm looking forward to it, and hoping that they don't bog it down with too much plot. Did you ever read any of the Batman/Predator, Superman/Alien or Batman/Alien crossovers?
CS Guy
on Jul 21, 2004
haven't seen Road to Perdition, either.
It's good. Very good. Hanks earned a lot of respect from me for that role... very different from the typical role he picks. The kid in it is also very good, as well as Jude Law.
on Jul 21, 2004
If you don't want to collect monthly, the trade paperback route is probably the way to go. You can read some reviews of the story arcs before you get the trades (try not to spoil the stories for yourself, too much), and it's easier than trying to get back issues.
The Ultimate Spider-Man line is good, and all of it is collected in TPB format so far. The other option for Spidey is the Essentials (thick book reprinted in black and white). Gets you more of the classic stuff. They also have... Marvel Masterpieces? Expensive hardcovers, IIRC. (I know DC has this sort of thing, as my older brother got me the first two Golden Age Green Lantern books for consecutive Xmases.)
on Jul 21, 2004
Road to Perdition is on my list of movies to watch. Hmm. I'm alone (with the mind roaches) this week. Maybe I'll rent it tomorrow.
on Jul 21, 2004
I really like Hal but I think DC has really run the character into the ground... Emerald Toilet (Twilight) was truly disappointing. I really wish that if they had given him a heroic death at that point instead of making him snap... I read that that was the original plan, but the writer at the time didn't want to do it, so they brought on Marz, who had no problem with pissing all over Hal, instead. Marz did some of the greatest damage to the character... If they had to get rid of Hal, they should have let him go like Barry Allen... Oh, well... Maybe you'll get some hits from HEAT members now...HAHA!
Did you ever read any of the Batman/Predator, Superman/Alien or Batman/Alien crossovers?
Read them all and enjoyed them all. Well, Batman/Alien 2 not so much...
I highly recommend getting the other Resurrection Man books. I got into it late and had to eBay most of the issues but it was worth it. I actually have some original artwork from one of the last issues.
If you get the Starman trades, snoop around and see if you can find the Shade miniseries, too. That was very well written. I really like what Robinson did with the Shade throughout the Starman series. He took a lame ass villian and made me truly care about him.
on Jul 21, 2004
I've read most of the earlier Starman stuff, as my older brother got it all. (He is, of course, the reason I have this hobby now.)
I think you're putting a lot of blame on Marz that was really editorial directive. Now, if you want to blame him for stuffing an innocent woman into a refrigerator for no reason ("shock value" isn't a reason), Flame On.
on Jul 21, 2004
CS Guy - I recommend 100 Bullets, Planetary, and Warren Ellis' runs on Stormwatch and the Authority. You can get them all in trade form and are some of the best things in comics these days, IMHO.
I'll work on an article that gives an overview of the books. I don't want to get too off topic here.
on Jul 21, 2004
Yeah, it was editorial, too. But, during his run, Marz took a lot of shots at Hal and the Corps. Could have been at the suggestion of the editors, could have been shots at HEAT (for firing shots at him), but I think a lot of it was him trying to validate Kyle by making Hal and the Corps seem less...
The title was stagnant and Hal might as well have been dead before ET... some of the stories in issues 1-45 are terrible. What kills me is that you see Hal at the end of 45 trying to figure out what he's going to do with himself now that Coast City is gone, then in 46 he teams up with Ollie and seems 'normal', and then in 47 he's crazy and starts killing some of his best friends... I don't put that on Marz's head, he just jumped in and told the story DC wanted him to tell, as best he could in the extremely short time he was given... Originally, there was another storyline that was planned... they even had ads in some of the comics in the months leading up to issue 50 with artwork that suggested a story with the guardians and the... crap... zamorans? the female guardians that weren't guardians anymore... but it looked like Hal might get that heroic death instead of what he did get...
I do like Kyle very much and enjoyed most of Marz's run on the title. I just think that later in the run he gladly pissed on Hal every chance he got. Maybe this weekend I'll break out the long box and look for some specific instances... been a while since I read the books...
on Jul 23, 2004
on Jul 26, 2004
u pick up hush yet?
It's not bad. I hate Jim Lee, but damn can he draw my ideal female comic book characters
on Jul 26, 2004
I read portions of the Hush storyline in the comic store (I know, I know, you're not a library). I really like the art, but was much less than thrilled with what I read.
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