A few weekends ago, I was on the road. I forget where I was (exactly), or where I was going (exactly), but on the sign for Food at the next Exit, I saw an odd name: Kate's Kountry Kitchen. I believe in giving the benefit of the doubt. I thought that this was perhaps just taking alliteration to its illogical conclusion. I didn't assume they had unintentionally mispelled "country." And I didn't make the larger leap, either.
But then, this past weekend, I saw another business (again, while I was on the road). Kuntry Kar Kare. I mean, really. Who does that? It could just be a (lot of) mistake(s). BUT NONE OF THOSE WORDS NATURALLY START WITH THAT LETTER! This got me thinking that it was *that* sort of garage. And that got me rethinking the earlier sign.