Published on July 8, 2004 By pseudosoldier In Movies & TV & Books
Saw this linked on Usenet (rec.arts.comics.marvel.universe), and wanted to share, as it is pretty kick ass.

And, hey, no adult content, so if you can watch movies at work, then it's work safe! Yay.

(Seems to require Quicktime, as well... I hate to ask so much of my viewers, but I think it's worth it.)


on Jul 08, 2004
more realistic than the movie!
on Jul 08, 2004
Holy crap, that's awesome!
on Jul 08, 2004
That is absolutely brilliant! I envy the kinds of people who have the imagination and creativity to make stuff like this.

-- B
on Jul 08, 2004
Good evening, Mr. Pseudo. I am here now, and happy to go see Spider-Man 2 as soon as I can. I hear it's better than the first.
on Jul 08, 2004
You can just call me Pseu. And, yes, I thought Spider-Man 2 was better than the first film in several regards: the CGI is improved (more fluid, less rubbery); the acting is still up there, especially the villain of the piece; the characterization is just as good, and is even better for this villain.
Best. Spider-Man. Evar. (Except maybe the Lego one.)
on Jul 09, 2004
I honestly liked the first one more... I'm not exactly sure why, but I didn't like the second as much.

Capt. over and out!