What it means for me, what it means for you
Published on May 23, 2004 By pseudosoldier In Life Journals
As Greywar and Estrogen Lass (amongst others) would tell you, I have been slacking at this blog bit. While there are numerous excuses I could espouse, I'll just let you know how it is.
It's never been about me being stupid; it's all about the sloth, folks. (I actually have a rabid fear/allergic reaction to being called/thought of as stupid. While I can't stop you from thinking it, I'd prefer if you didn't bring it up. okthx) This actually feeds right into my next point: how to take two things that I'm not doing, and make them apply a synergistic effect on my rather generous supply of lazy.
See, I'm also putting off working on an online Government class which I signed up for. It is presented throught the eArmyU program (blog forthcoming, maybe), and will be applied (assuming I finish it) toward both an Associates in Foreign Language (or is it Studies?) from the Defense Language Institute, Foreign Language Center, Presidio of Monterey, California and a General Associates from Central Texas College. If I don't finish it, the Army won't pay the tuition assistance (i.e. the entire cost of the class), and I'll be charged for that. If I don't do 4 classes in the next 5 class periods (including the current one), I'll also have to pay the Army back for this substandard laptop they gave me, at a cost of much more than its worth. So, there are numerous reasons to do this class. There are a few less reasons to do the blog, but they still exist.

So, why haven't I done either of these things? I'm lazy. (You people don't do reading comprehension very well, do you?) But I think I've found a solution.
I'm going to post my homework as my blog.
I have no idea if anyone will find it interesting. There are multiple choice questions, True/False and a short answer for each chapter. For reference, the textbook used is Politics in America, 5th Edition, *TEXAS* Edition by Thomas R. Dye.

Hopefully, you'll be seeing me around here more... it may be my last hope of motivating myself to do my schooling.

on May 23, 2004
Do what you have to do man...
I will do ya homework with ya

on May 23, 2004
Sweet, then when I take the class I can just crib from here!
on May 23, 2004
Its about time.
on May 23, 2004
Oh, that will get me to write about this. Unlike some people, I can be honest to a fault, if you recall.
But, to rationalize it (as much to myself as to you): The "quizzes" (mult. choice and T/F) are labeled "review" on the actual content pages, and we are required to take them until we receive a mark of 100%. Already I've had some minor difficulty with Lesson 2, but whaddayaknow, I got 100% on it after all. meh
As for the short answer/essay question portion, I would hope that you wouldn't handicap yourself by swiping from my pitiable attempts at answering them in quick order.
But I am still considering contacting the professor and asking if this is okay... it would just mean admitting to her that I have a reliable internet connection after all. (Although I still face the hurdle of taking both tests as soon as I get back to my permanent duty station, while I'm on leave, within a week of each other (as long as I can schedule them both)).
on May 23, 2004
There's some pot-kettle-bandwagonery I'm not quite jumping on here... whatever.
on May 24, 2004
What pot-kettle-bandwagonery would you be speaking of there, son?
on May 24, 2004
I just posted one. hah. If thats what the pot-kettle-thing was referring to.
on May 24, 2004
Oh, good. Here I am, off to read it now...
on May 26, 2004

I actually have a rabid fear/allergic reaction to being called/thought of as stupid. While I can't stop you from thinking it, I'd prefer if you didn't bring it up. okthx

I wouldn't dream of it.  You've impressed the heck out of me so far.

I have the same fear, btw.