I. Make sure that I'm competitive for my first look for SFC (E-7), slated for the end of January next year.
IA. Resolve my educational issues.
IA1. Finish enrolling in Community College of the Air Force: turn in the remaining required certificates.
IA2. Complete one or more 2-year degrees through CCAF: CLEP a Speech class.
IA3. Contact Cochise College to determine further requirements for an AA in Military Intelligence.
IA4. Acquire certified copies of all of my college transcripts.
IB. Finish three more Joint Color Guards to earn the Air Force Achievement Medal.
IB1. San Angelo Symphony Orchestra performance - 3JUL.
IB2. Town of Brady Independence Weekend parade - 7JUL.
IB3. 17th MSG Change of Command - some time in July.
IC. Pass my Defense Language Proficiency Test (or ensure that I'm grandfathered to a passing score).
IC1. Scheduled for language training during August.
IC2. DLPT scheduled for beginning of September; I'm due 5SEP.
ID. If I get another NCOER before the end of the year (shouldn't happen), ensure that it looks damned good.
IE. Resolve issues with my personnel records: Good Conduct Medal, add other awards to Online Military Personnel File.
IE1. Contact previous unit Personnel Servicing section.
IE2. Contact current unit Personnel Servicing section.
II. Get down to "fighting weight": 205#. (This weight would mean that my body fat composition wouldn't even be questioned any more.)
IIA. Track what I'm eating during the day and throughout the week.
IIB. Track my weight weekly, if not daily.
IIC. Try at least one week of NutriSystem (since I have the food for four weeks for free).
III. Read more.
IIIA. Finish Animal Farm before it's due back to the library (3JUL).
IIIB. I own the first four Harry Potter books (in Arabic).
IIIC. Comic books don't count.
IV. Update my resume. You know, in case.
IVA. Review previous resume.
IVB. Draft multiple versions focusing on various factors.
IVB1. Government jobs with clearance.
IVB2. Linguist jobs (w/ and w/o above).
IVB3. Instructor positions (w/ and w/o either of above).
V. My apartment.
VA. Clean it up.
VA1. Dishes.
VA2. Laundry.
VA3. Vacuum.
VA4. Dust and general cleaning.
VB. Get some shelving to hold VHS tapes (all those Highlander series), DVDs, CDs and XBox games (same size as DVDs).
VC. Unbox all the childhood memories that my parents brought with them last week.
VI. Financial.
VI1. Pay down credit cards to $0 balance. Carry only monthly expenditures on balance. (Goal to achieve by end of calendar year.)
VI2. Continue to adjust payments into TSP.
VI3. Continue to add money to savings account ("emergency" account goal of 2 months base pay).
VI4. Look into other options for retirement funds.
VII. Instructional
VII1. Attain Master Instructor badge/certification. (This simply relies on my supervisor submitting the paperwork.)
VII2. Attain Senior Instructor badge/certification. (I'm not certain that I'll have enough time left on station to get this after I receive my Master Instructor badge.)
VII3. Follow up on National Cryptologic School certification.
VII4. Attain a class GPA one point higher than my current class.
VII5. Send one student to the Student of the Month board.
VII6. Send one student to the Ready-Around-the-Clock/Soldier of the Month board.
Um. Maybe I'll add to this later.