I guess it just hits me this time of year, or maybe it's because the boys are around. They remind me of their mother and how I don't have someone any more. I guess there's probably more to it than that, but I can't fight through the haze I always seem to be in lately.

I'm a high stress guy anyway, and it seems like I'm piling it on myself lately. Color Guard NCOIC, both for the Joint Service and for my Battalion. At least I'm not in charge for the Army Ball, although I volunteered to go and help with the event. Nothing like a fancy dress shindig without a date to make you feel alone. I volunteered to go to the NCO of the quarter board again, even though they kicked me out of the last one (especially because they kicked me out of the last one), and of course I feel unprepared.

Even happy things are stressful. Having my sons around is a lot of work and I'm constantly exhausted. My parents will be coming for a visit and I feel terrible that the apartment is still a wreck. Bad that they'll have to put up with it (and that my mother may feel obliged to clean) and embarassed that I'm not taking care of myself like I should be. It's cleaner in some respects than it had been, but it still needs a lot of work. And some bookcases. And some shelves to keep my DVDs/CDs/VHS tapes/XBox games on.

And I procrastinate, of course. Too much time on the 'net, too much time in front of a screen.

Well, I just have to suck it up, I suppose.

on Jun 11, 2007
I feel terrible that the apartment is still a wreck.

Hey man I hear you. My dorm room at school is scary. I always say I need more storage units, but I never get around to buying any. So my stuff just chills on my floor. Such is life. I hope you're feeling better soon!
on Jun 12, 2007
Life in San Angelo isn't what it's cracked up to be, eh? Things will improve in time -- I'd suggest you go out and get a hobby, but I know you already have a few.
on Jun 13, 2007
And I procrastinate, of course. Too much time on the 'net, too much time in front of a screen.

I can so identify with that line right now.....

I wish there was something I could say that would help, but I don't think anything would. My prayers are with you, though, and I hope you are able to enjoy the time you have with your family in the coming weeks.