Published on May 21, 2007 By pseudosoldier In Movie Reviews
Pan's Labyrinth, written and directed by Guillermo del Toro, is one of the most fantastic films that I've seen in recent memory. From it's striking opening sequence, which had me wishing that I spoke Spanish to avoid the distraction of the subtitles, through the very end, the visuals utilized were incredibly effective. The storyline was unique... I described the film to friends as "a dark fantasy set against the backdrop of historical wartime, with dramatic themes tending towards classic horror." I absolutely loved this film and have already recommended it to friends.

del Toro has directed a variety of films. I knew about Hellboy (and the upcoming Hellboy 2). The Devil's Backbone (which I've heard is thematically similar to Pan's Labyrinth, down to setting it during Franco Spain) is something that I'm looking forward to (whenever it comes up in my NetFlix queue). He's also done Blade II and Mimic (the last of which I found somewhat surprising).

del Toro is a madman. This film kicks so much ass.

on May 22, 2007
I need to see it. I am fluent, and love del Toro's other works, so I'm going to see it I'm sure.

Thanks for the quick review. I'm excited to see it.
on May 22, 2007
Absolutely fabulous flick. We saw it in the theater, and I can't until it's available previewed at Hollywood so I can send it over for him.
on May 22, 2007

I just saw this on Saturday and it is fekkin' BRILLIANT.  I forgot all about the subtitles that I had feared would put me off and just sat there, spellbound by the effects and the story itself.

My favorite was the guy with the eyeballs in his hands; he looked like something out of a NIN music video!

on May 25, 2007
Oops, I missed your review or I would have just commented instead of writing my own. I loved it too. I did a forum search but looked under the English name Pan's Labyrinth.
on May 25, 2007
¡Qué película! ¡Qué maravilla!