The King of Masks
Category: Foreign, Foreign Drama
Nearing the end of his life, Wang (heh) -- a locally renowned street performer and wizard of the venerable art of mask magic -- yearns to pass on his technique. But custom prescribes that he can only hand down his craft to a male successor. Anxious to preserve his unique art, the heirless Wang buys an impoverished 8-year-old on the black market. When the child divulges a dreaded secret, Wang faces a choice between filial love and societal tradition.
Director: Tian-Ming Wu
Starring: Zhigang Zhang, Zhigang Zhao, Renying Zhou, Xu Zhu
Recommended because I liked Yojimbo.
I dunno. I get a lot of recommendations because I liked Yojimbo... I think it's due mostly to NetFlix lumping all "Foreign" films in one major "Genre." This is something to look for after I exhaust other options, but I'm just more likely to put another Kurosawa film (director of Yojimbo) into my queue, especially if it stars Toshiro Mifune (the Japanese Clint Eastwood).