Published on February 25, 2007 By pseudosoldier In Parenting
He's not a great soccer player, but he's one of my two all-time favorites, and he certainly is much improved. He loves games; we even played RoboRally today, which is supposed to be well above his age level. Of course, even the younger one enjoyed the silly robot noises that their Dad made. I was surprised at how much he wanted to play, but I told him we would again the next time he was down.

He's ticklish and he knows I am, too. I can packmule both of them while they're hanging off my neck... their arms fail before I choke out, at least. I walk around with them sitting on my feet. We argue slightly over DVDs to watch and XBox games to play. I shut down the TV today just after noon, since "we" couldn't agree on which game to play, Battlefront 2 or Lego Star Wars 2. (They're both big Star Wars fans.)

The younger one asked me last night why I left.

on Feb 25, 2007
You made me cry.

Your boys are lucky to have you.

My guys love Star Wars, too, btw.