CNN Headline News just did a pretty good piece about how a lot of Middle Eastern news networks can be slanted away from the Israeli side of any situation. This kind of preempts any article that I might have written about them using Al-Jazeera images and headlines without adding anything to them, giving the impression that their only source on those aspects of the stories was Al-Jazeera itself.

Or, it at least shortens it up a bit, to just this note.

(I also noticed yesterday that Fox News reported that the three deaths in Nazareth were Arabs, but CNN continued to leave that information out. As much as I want to say that this is CNN leaving out interesting information that might slant the overall story, it's probably Fox putting out unconfirmed information.)

on Jul 20, 2006
Chris Matthews made an issue of it on Hardball yesterday, mostly because he said he was a little surprised how the Israeli Arabs chose to blame Israel for nonworking air raid sirens rather than fellow Arabs in Hezbollah for launching the rockets that killed the children.
on Jul 21, 2006
It's good that they've made some mention of it, and even more interesting to me that they took a look at that side of it.

If I have time, I'll try to take a closer look at all this over the weekend.