Published on May 7, 2006 By pseudosoldier In Misc
I was serving on a starship, and my rank was indeterminant. There was a mutiny, maybe, maybe I was in it, or maybe we had been taken over by an opposing force and subjugated. I wound up having to kill a man with a pen in order to end it all. Well, it was me and someone else, and it was two pens, and my penstroke didn't actually kill him it set him up for the death stroke.

There was this crazy game arcade, and there was a man not unlike a young Johnny Depp there running it, cryptic like. I needed to play all the games there, and only had three left. But there was this real weird one with a hammer and a plastic cassette thing, and it was a weird trick on how to even start the game. I don't think I ever wound up playing it, because...

I was hanging out with a friend of mine, who is a photographer. I think he was played by Christian Bale, the American Psycho... because somehow he felt it was a good idea to dress up as a rather convincing pissed off Batman. Pictures were taken.

But that was the second time I had rolled over to go back to sleep, and then my bladder kicked in, so I don't have anything else. Still, damned weird. As usual.

on May 07, 2006
I was serving on a starship, and my rank was indeterminant.

I was a red shirt, wasn't I?

I think he was played by Christian Bale, the American Psycho...

Surprisingly less frightenening them him as the Machinist.......

Hmmmmm, veery eenteresting..........