Published on September 20, 2005 By pseudosoldier In Personal Relationships Link

Main Entry: Jer·e·mi·ah
Pronunciation: -'mI-&
Function: noun
Etymology: Late Latin Jeremias, from Greek Hieremias, from Hebrew YirmeyAh
1 : a major Hebrew prophet of the 6th and 7th centuries B.C.
2 : one who is pessimistic about the present and foresees a calamitous future
3 : a prophetic book of canonical Jewish and Christian Scripture -- see BIBLE table

I used to joke: even my blood type is B Negative.

on Sep 20, 2005
Let us not forget, he also wrote Lamentations.
on Sep 20, 2005
Shoot. Shows how little Biblical knowledge I have. I'll read that after I'm done with his eponymous work.
on Oct 01, 2005
So Jeremiah= Sad Sack?
on Oct 03, 2005
So Jeremiah= Sad Sack?

Something like that. I can't even make it through reading the books by my namesake. Too depressing.