Revisiting an old acquaintance on Memorial Day
Published on May 31, 2004 By pseudosoldier In Current Events
Leonard is always going to be one of the Cowherd twins. He's always going to be my friend Colby's little brother. He's always going to have been a member of my Boy Scout troop. But now he's something else to me.

Leonard Cowherd was killed in Karbala, Iraq on 16 May 04. He was leading his Armor platoon in securing a building when they received sniper and RPG fire.

This newfound and very personal experience has intensified my appreciation for the work that my fellow service members do and the danger that they place themselves in, all in the name of fulfilling their duty.

The LT with his Platoon: Link
The LT in his office: Link


on May 31, 2004

This made me cry.


on Jun 01, 2004
Oh, and I saw his pic in this week's edition of the 'Air Force Times'.  Made me get all teary and feel like I had swallowed an apple whole.
on Jul 02, 2004
Leonard's father has posted additional pictures on the family's web-siteLink.

I feel marginally less of a scumbag, as I've finally emailed Leonard's brother, my old friend Colby.
on Oct 01, 2004
Wow, this is an excellent post. Thank you for sharing this and I'm glad greywar posted a link to this. I don't think I ever went back to read this.